MEBC Electronic Communications (MEC)

MEC is meant - together with the ftp/gopher/www site of ISMEBC (International Society for Molecular Electronics and BioComputing) - to serve as a rapid and free communication tool among the members of ISMEBC. If you are already a subscriber, you will automatically get the latest news of the Society.

In order to be able to do this, we certainly need your inputs which might interest other people. You may want to indicate the nature of your message in the Subject field (like MEETINGS, JOBS, REVIEWS etc.) Your original scientific papers are also welcome (Subject: LETTERS) - this latter to be peer-reviewed before publishing.

Policy to treat incoming messages to the address or to the anonymous ftp site - ( will be distributed directly through MEC if they are of public interest. Other messages which might be of limited interest - will be treated as comments, and archived in the FILESERVER of MEC and the ftp and gopher sites of MEC - in the "comments" directory.

Any questions or proposals, concerning MEC are most welcome and should be addressed to the Chair of the Editorial Board of the Newsletter of MEBC, Géza Biczó,

This server and the associated mailing list is for non-commercial use in association with ISMEBC.

To subscribe to the MEBC mailing list, send a message to
--- with the one line message:

SUBSCRIBE MEBC [your name]

To obtain a public list of its recipients, send a message to;


To conceal your name from this list, send a message to


To get further informations on the usage of MEBC fileserver, send a message please to


ISMEBC (International Society for Molecular Electronics and BioComputing)
Central Res Inst for Chemistry, HAS, H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O.Box 17, HUNGARY
Tel: +36-1-266-9833/2504 ::: Fax: +36-1-266-0206 ::: E-mail: ::: gopher: (14) :::